1800 960 250 / hello@thecliqconnection.com.au

🎉 Exciting Updates Coming Soon to Enhance Your Cliq Experience! 🚀

Hey Cliqsters!

We’re back with some fantastic news! At Cliq, we’re always striving to provide you with the best possible experience, and we’ve got some amazing updates lined up in our next release. Get ready to elevate your Cliq journey with these incredible new features!

Coming up in the next release

iPad and Tablet Accessibility

First up, we’re thrilled to announce that Cliq will soon be accessible on iPads and tablets! We understand the importance of being able to connect with your Cliq anytime, anywhere, and now you can enjoy seamless access on your larger screens for an even better browsing experience.

Video and Voice Chat

Say hello to a whole new level of communication with our latest addition – Video and Voice Chat! Connect with your Cliq in real-time, whether it’s for a quick catch-up or an important discussion. With crystal-clear audio and smooth video streaming, staying connected has never been easier or more fun!

Released on 6th March

Improved Chat Experience

We’ve listened to your feedback and made some significant improvements to the Chat feature. Say goodbye to communication hassles with new functionalities like Copy Message, Forward Message, and Share Contact. Now, you can effortlessly share information, making communication smoother and more efficient than ever before.

Enhanced Account Deletion Process

Deleting your account shouldn’t be a hassle, which is why we’ve streamlined the process for your convenience. With our enhanced account deletion process, bidding farewell to your Cliq account is now simpler and more straightforward.

Ignore Connection

Want to filter out certain connections from your feed? Now you can! With our new Ignore Connection feature, you have the power to choose which connections you’d like to prioritize, ensuring your Cliq experience is tailored to your preferences.

Enhanced Mail Notifications

Stay in the loop with our enhanced mail notifications. Whether it’s a change in settings or a password reset, you’ll receive timely updates straight to your inbox, keeping you informed and up-to-date at all times.

New Chat Themes and Preference Algorithm Update

But wait, there’s more! We’re also introducing new chat themes to add a touch of personalization to your conversations. Plus, we’ve fine-tuned our preference algorithm to ensure that your Cliq experience is tailored to your interests and preferences.

Excited yet? We sure are! These upcoming updates are designed to take your Cliq experience to new heights, offering you more flexibility, convenience, and fun along the way. So get ready to dive in and discover all that Cliq has to offer!

Stay tuned for the release, and let’s continue to find our Cliq together!

Until next time, The Cliq Team 🌟

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