1800 960 250 / hello@thecliqconnection.com.au

Hey Cliq Community, 


The word alone is enough to leave a sinking feeling in our stomachs. The fear of rejection is quite literally enough to stop us in our tracks.  

It’s that unwelcome visitor we never invited but somehow managed to find its way into our lives. But, rest assured, we get it. The journey to building meaningful connections isn’t always a smooth ride, and bumps along the way are inevitable. 


So, first things first, let’s get one thing clear – rejection is NOT a reflection of you.  

Read that again, rejection is NOT a reflection of you.  


It is nothing more than a detour, or a fork in the road that guides you toward a different path.  

So, how do you go head-to-head with this goliath of emotions without losing your Cliq mojo?

Well, we are in your corner with our top tips and learned experiences to help! 


  1. Own Your Uniqueness:
    Remember, you should be unapologetically YOU.
    Rejection doesn’t lessen your worth. It’s simply an opportunity for you to shine even brighter. Your quirks and your personality – that’s the real gold.  And often, rejection is simply that you’re not ‘their’ person, but you most definitely will be someone else’s. We’re all unique with unique tastes and preferences, so don’t let one person’s choice of friend or partner make you feel like there isn’t that special someone out there for you.
    Embrace it, flaunt it, and let your light attract the right connections. 
  2. Learn and Grow:
    Rejection is a teacher, not a punisher.
    You should take a moment to reflect on the experience.
    What did you learn? What can you improve? Growth comes from embracing challenges, and rejection is just another step in your journey to becoming the very best version of yourself.
  3. Celebrate Your Courage:
    Putting yourself out there takes guts. So be proud of yourself.
    Whether it’s sending that first message or sharing a piece of your world, celebrate the fact that you overcame your fears and were a brave Cliq-er. We’re proud of you!!Rejection is not a sign of weakness but a testament to your bravery. Keep that Cliq spirit alive, and remember, you’re one step closer to finding the connections that truly resonate with you.
  4. Connect with Your Cliq Community
    Share your experiences with your fellow Cliq members.
    We’ve all been there, and you should have comfort that we have all experienced this in some way or another.  

Your Cliq community is your support system, cheering you on and here to remind you that rejection is just a stepping stone to the connections waiting around the corner.

So, the moral of the story is, you should be embracing rejection as a guidepost, not a roadblock.  

Your story is unique, and every rejection is a nudge toward something even more incredible.  

Stay true to yourself, learn, grow, and remember, your Cliq journey is about finding those who appreciate you for the amazing individual that you are. 


Here’s to navigating life’s twists and turns with confidence and resilience. You’ve got this! 


Much love,  

The Cliq Connection Team 

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