1800 960 250 / hello@thecliqconnection.com.au

How To: Starting a conversation, and keeping it going!

Hi beautiful human!  How are you doing today?

Right, let’s get down to business.  You’ve

  1. Signed up to the Cliq Connection
  2. Created your profile (if you haven’t, just over to our easy peasy guide here)
  3. Connected with people on the Cliq Connection app HOW EXCITING!

It is time to start chatting but yikes, you don’t know where to start! Take a breath, and remember you are human, you are worthy, and you are AWESOME. Ok, let’s start at the top. Starting a conversation with someone new that you don’t know can be difficult, awkward, or even intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be, and with some practice you will be a pro in no time! The Cliq Connection team have taken the hard work out of what to talk about and made a list of things we know will get you talking freely and help you to connect with your Cliq!

Start here | Conversation starters

We have made a list of ice breakers to open the conversation, because we know that once you get going you won’t need our help! On the left we have the questions and on the right, we have some examples of what your Cliq might say.


What is something interesting about you?

They might have 4 sisters or have eaten the hottest chili pepper in the world!

Where is a place you would like to visit?

They might want to go to New Zealand, Tasmania or Darwin.

What is your favourite TV show?

They might have the same TV show as you!

Who is your favourite character?

This is a follow up question to ‘What is your favourite TV show?’


What is your favourite food?

They might like something you have never tried, Vietnamese, Japanese or lobster- YUM! Plus gives you ideas of where they might like to go on a date


What is your favourite animal?

They might love the biggest animal or the smallest animal, or an animal you’ve never heard of!


What do you like to do at the weekends?

They might like to go to a local café or beach.

You will notice we have put some follow up questions in as well. This is to keep the conversation flowing
and make you look like the conversation master that you are.
It is also a good idea to read these questions and think about YOUR answers –

what is YOUR favourite food (we love chocolate cake YUM),
what is YOUR favourite animal (we like flamingos!).
This way, you are ready when your connection asks you questions, and you can feel relaxed.
Let us know how you get on by sharing your success with our Facebook group. And remember, if you
need any help or have any questions, you can reach out to our team by emailing
hello@thecliqconnection.com.au or sending a message to through our Facebook page.

Check out other blogs at Blog – The Cliq Connection

For more help with Dating skills visit www.date-ability.com.au

How to Start A Conversation

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